At ESCORT we know that performance is essential for drivers. That's why we offer an assortment of high-performance radar detection systems to help drivers navigate their way through growing road threats.
LEGENDARY PERFORMANCE. MAXIMIZED. Exceptional Range, 360° Directional Awareness, Dual-Band Wi-Fi & Driver Community with Real-Time Driver Alerts.

2-IN1 DASH CAM AND RADAR DETECTOR. Exceptional Range, 360° Directional Awareness, 1440P Resolution, Dual-Band Wi-Fi.

MAXcam 360c
REDEFINE THE ROAD. Extreme Range, 360° Directional Awareness, 100% Stealth & Driver Community with Real-Time Driver Alerts.

Redline 360c
POWER UP YOUR RIDE. Premium Range, Advanced Filtering, AutoLearn™ Intelligence & Driver Community with Real-Time Driver Alerts.

GAME-CHANGING PERFORMANCE. Legendary Range, Complete Laser Protection, 100% Stealth & Customizable Installation Options.

Redline Ci 360c
Join the exclusive ESCORT/Cobra driving community for real-time driver alerts. Receive full
access and early warnings on red light cameras, speed traps and live law locations. More than
100 million alerts shared annually. Download the Drive Smarter app today.